Alternatives to paying expensive medical aid cover in SA are few and far between. The threats of violence, crime and traffic accidents make it essential to put money away in one form or another to take care of you and your loved ones. Your health can deteriorate as you age, and it’s not always easy to save money. There are several ways that you can try, if you would prefer not to go the route of medical aid including investments accounts or savings accounts. Of course, there are the ordinary ways of protecting your body too. Trying to eat well, and making sure you pursue a fitness regime, is a simple and practical way to stay on top of your game.
Savings accounts are one of the alternatives to paying expensive medical aid cover. If you are generally in good health it may seem silly to spend a fortune every month paying for coverage that you don’t need. It might be better for you to save money in ordinary savings accounts that you can use should the need ever arise. These accounts often offer you great interest rates, and are great because they are controlled by you. Remember though that you are likely to become sick, or get injured, at some point in your life and you must be dedicated to putting the money away every month. Your physical fitness should be matched by your financial fitness in this regard.
Investment accounts are another way to save money. These accounts are less easy to withdraw from but offer you the opportunity to grow your money as you save. Before choosing this option to protect your health, what you should consider is the market stability. The economic recession meant that many people who invested a lot of money did not get the returns they desired because of problems with investment accounts. Thus, although there are options out there, risks are involved in all alternatives to paying expensive medical aid cover.